Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thinking about buying a new home?

Are falling prices encouraging you to think about buying a home? According to a recent article in the NY Times, the opportunity for finding a great deal on a home can become your reality. There are lots of options on the market today including foreclosures and homes in pre-foreclosure (short sale opportunities) in great neighborhoods. Your realtor (hopefully that's me) can assist you with locating properties that meet your budget and lifestyle objectives.

Here's a few tips on information you'll want to have ready to begin the home-buying process:

- Obtain a copy of your credit report from all three of the major reporting agencies so that you know where you stand. It will make the process go a lot smoother if you are pre-qualified by a mortgage lender before you start looking for a home. You'll have a better idea of your budget so that your realtor will know what price range to research for you.

- Think about and identify your "must haves" vs. your "would like to haves" for your new home. What is most important to you, being close to downtown Atlanta, better schools, large back yard or close to your job?

- Review other industry websites for additional home buying tips to add to the conversation with your realtor

Do you have questions? Are you ready to have a conversation with a realtor about buying a new home? It's a buyers' market out there and it doesn't cost the buyer anything to engage a realtor to act as their home buying advocate. Contact me today @ 678-862-3100 or

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