Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Interested in Foreclosures?

Recently, some of my investor clients have turned their interests towards foreclosed properties. This type of investment defintely requires the advice of a realtor (remember, the "seller" is who pays our commissions, not the "buyer").

If you're thinking about jumping into the foreclosure market, there are plenty of properties here in the Atlanta metro area and there are also great resources available online to provide you with the knowledge you'll need to be successful.

The nice folks at HUD have a list you can sign up for.

Be careful ... if you don't know what to look for you should definitely take a licensed realtor with you. Heck, take me! I'd love to go... To learn more about why you should use a realtor click here.

Give me a call. Go ahead, don't be shy.

Or... join the conversation... tell us your foreclosure story.

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